Watch this GIANT kick drum in action

bass drum creep bass drum sliding Bassdrum bassdrumsliding Drum drum creeping drum idea drum invention drum kit drum sliding drumdrumdrum drumgear drumkit Drummer drummer p[roblems drummerproblems Drummers Drumming drumnerds Drums drumsliding drumsticks KBrakes kick drum sliding Kickdrum kickdrumsliding music instruments my drum is sliding solutions

Joey Bones just got an amazing new Love Custom Drum drum kit and it's awesome! He's getting his first taste of playing those awesome drums on a hard surface without a drum rug by adding KBrakes and the KBrakes Grips attachment. The KBrakes Grips are an attachment that allow you to play your drums on any hard surface without a drum rug.

Watch him kick this drum with the force of 10 men and watch the drum not move 1 mm. Big Drums, Big Beard, Big Beats, No Creep! 

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